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Power Semiconductor
Research Center


PSRC logo



Membership Options


Membership Agreements

Technical Reports

Annual Reports

TWGM Reports


Past Sponsors

Graduate Students

Industrial Scholars


Membership Options

The research performed by graduate students and faculty at PSRC is supported by fees paid by member companies. Sponsors can elect from three levels of membership as described by the membership agreements.

Senior Members

Senior membership entitles the sponsor to the maximum level of benefits accruing from the research conducted at PSRC. In addition to the benefits provided to other membership levels, Senior Members have the special privilege of:

(a)   Joining the Board of PSRC and participating in defining the research agenda for each fiscal year;

(b)  Sending an Industrial Scholar to PSRC for performing collaborative research and training as well as for the transfer of technology;

(c)   Lowest royalty structure for licenses on patents issued to NSCU as a consequence of the research performed at PSRC.


Membership of PSRC entitles the sponsor to the second highest level of benefits accruing from the research conducted at PSRC. In addition to the benefits provided to associate members, Member level companies have the benefit of:

(a)   Attending the Technical Working Group Meetings

(b)  Access to Patent disclosures and the support of patent applications

(c)  Lower royalty structure than for non-member companies for licenses on patents issued to NSCU as a consequence of the research performed at PSRC

Associate Members

Associate Membership of PSRC entitles the sponsor to the results of research conducted at PSRC prior to external publication. These results are communicated by:

(a)   Technical Reports sent by PSRC prior to external publication

(b)  Attendance of an Annual Meeting
